Competitive Calendar

We will be using Arrow Strength for our summer conditioning. Every athlete is expected to participate unless a conversation is had and approved with the coach about an alternate summer conditioning program. If you need scholarship assistance, please let me know! The link to register is below - please be mindful of your other commitments with work, open gyms, and other practices. Part of your commitment to the team is your workouts during the summer which will help you have a successful season in the fall! 

Arrow Strength and Conditioning Registration Link

Open Gyms for stunting, tumbling and jumps will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays 7-9 am at WHS in the green gym. These are important as we build stunt groups and prepare for choreography in July! Please make sure you are NOT working during this time. If you will be gone, please contact coach Malory to let her know. As always, June and July is also for family time, so if you have a vacation planned, have fun!